Online Registration

Conference Registration Fee

Important Note

1. At least one of the authors listed on the accepted paper must pay the registration by the requested registration deadline.

2. The student price is only applicable to the First author who is a student currently.

3. For those listeners, who do not need to submit a paper or an abstract to the conference, we advise you to follow the registration form and finish registration. Easy and quick!

4. Please send the required documents:①final paper; ②filled registration form;③payment proof to  to finish the registration.

ICRSH Conference Registration Fee

Registration Deadline

30 June 2025

  • Authors (Student): €340
  • Authors (Regular): €380
  • Listener: €160
  • Virtual Delegate: €140
  • Extra Papers: €75
Conference registration fee

Conference Registration Fee Includes:

1. 15 minutes Oral presentation / Poster Presentation for every author and presenter

2. Conference Proceeding for participants who registered with paper.

3. Conference program for all participants

4. Certificate of participation for all participants

5. Lunch, coffee breaks for all participants

6. All sessions are available to all participants

7. City Tour for all participants

Cancellation Policy

In case of any cancellation or non-attendance, unfortunately, the registration fees are not refundable.

Payment Methods

Bank Transfer

The first payment method is recommended, but if you cannot pay with credit card, please register by bank transfer.

IBAN LT56 3250 0812 1155 4762
Beneficiary address Vlado Nagevičiaus gatvė 3, 09129, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank / Payment institution Revolut Bank UAB
Bank / Payment institution address Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130, Vilnius, Lithuania
Intermediary BIC – CHASDEFX

After sending your registration payment by bank wire transfer, scan the bank receipt and attach the PDF file in an email to

Conference registration fee

VISA/Master Card

You can pay the fees for ICRSH conference through online payment which is listed in REGISTRATION form